Working Together, Achieving More
Cydweithio a Chyflawni
Our Key Stage 3 curriculum is underpinned by the four core purposes, as identified in the Curriculum for Wales. Click Here for our Curriculum.
We strive to ensure that our curriculum produces:
· ambitious, capable learners, ready to learn throughout their lives
· enterprising, creative contributors, ready to play a full part in life and work
· ethical, informed citizens of Wales and the world
· healthy, confident individuals, ready to lead fulfilling lives as valued members of society.
We are currently working towards all learners in Years 7-
We are proud of our language and heritage. At Ysgol Maesydderwen, Welsh is taught as a second language and our aim is for all children to become as bilingual as possible.
“Most lessons are fun and really interesting. The teachers are nice. They are always there if I have a problem.” Year 8 Pupil
Key Stage 3
In years 10 and 11, all pupils study the core curriculum subjects of English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Numeracy, Science, Welsh Language, Welsh Baccalaureate Skills Challenge, Physical Education, Personal & Social Education and Religious Education. In addition, learners choose an additional 3 subjects from a range of option choices, which best suit their future learning pathways.
All pupils study Welsh in Years 10 and 11 and sit a full course GCSE in Welsh 2nd Language at the end of Year 11.
Sex and Relationships Education is provided through Science and Personal and Social Education. At all times, lessons dealing with sensitive issues are introduced with a strong sense of values and all resources are viewed by senior staff to ensure that they are appropriate.
Religious Education lessons are part of the core curriculum for all pupils in Key Stage 4. The courses studied involve the ideas, beliefs and lifestyles of people committed to a faith. They draw upon Christianity and other world religions for exemplar material.
Parents may ask for their son or daughter to be excused from Religious Education lessons and Sex and Relationships Education by contacting the Headteacher.
“I enjoy learning about new things and getting all of the help I need to get ready for my exams. My teachers are enthusiastic about their subjects and they make sure we are on track.” Year 11 Pupil
Key Stage 4
The Sixth Form
Headteacher: Mr P. Grimes
Tudor Street, Ystradgynlais, Swansea, SA9 1AP
01639 842115
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To support Learners as the commence or continue with their Key Stage 4 courses, we organised a virtual Information Evening on Thursday 21st October. All the resources shared during the evening can be found on this page:
We hope you find these resources useful in supporting progression through Key Stage 4.
If you have any queries regarding this material or require any further support please do not hesitate to contact the school.
Useful Links
Subject Presentations
Access recording of live event
The Year 10 and 11 pastoral teams include Mr Lewis, Progress Leader and Mrs Watkins and Mr Thomas, Learner Support Officers, supported by 4 Progress Tutors; Mrs Thomas, Mrs Millar, Mrs Wright and Mrs Lougher.
If you have any concerns or queries regarding the wellbeing or progress of your child in Year 10 or 11 please feel free to contact the pastoral teams on 01639 842115 or email
Additional Learning Needs (ALN) provision at Ysgol Maesydderwen is successful and effective. Our aim is to provide a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum for all pupils, whilst acknowledging that some children may require extra support. Our ALN coordinator ensures that provision is varied according to the needs of each child. Individual development plans are agreed with parents and carers and reviewed each year.
More Able and Talented (MAT) learners are also encouraged to aim high through a range of extra-
Additional Learning Needs
Ysgol Maesydderwen is home to a county Specialist Teacher Facility (STF) which specialises in meeting the needs of learners with ASD and Moderate Learning Difficulties. The STF allows learners to access the support they need while still benefiting from a mainstream environment. The facility is staffed by a specialist teacher and supported by highly trained learning support assistants.
Specialist Teaching Facility
Learner Links
Click on Image for Login
Ysgol Maesydderwen’s Sixth Form forms part of the Chweched Powys Sixth provision with all other secondary schools across the county. This allows us to offer a broad and varied provision to cater for the needs and desired career pathways of all learners. Our Sixth Form is a dynamic and vibrant part of the school community offering a wealth of new opportunities for learners.
As a school which lives by its inclusive ethos, our Sixth Form welcomes all those who demonstrate a commitment to their own development and success. We support, develop and inspire young minds in an environment where they have access to excellent resources and high quality teaching.
Through our partnership with other schools across Powys and using the innovative E-
The Sixth Form programme includes dedicated careers advice, support via the SEREN Network for more able students, workshops with lecturers, visits to universities, a wide range of extra-
There are also many opportunities for Sixth Form learners to develop their leadership skills by taking on roles such as those of the Head Team and our Peer Mentors. The Sixth Form has a designated common room with areas to study quietly and access to IT facilities. Our Sixth Form learners are excellent aspirational role models for younger pupils and great ambassadors for our school.
We welcome you to click on the link below to visit the Chweched Powys Sixth website for further information, and to view the video below which gives more details on what learners can expect as part of the Sixth Form at Ysgol Maesydderwen and the opportunities afforded by being part of the Chweched Powys Sixth provision.
The Year 12 and 13 pastoral teams include Mr Jamie Rees, Progress Leader, supported by 2 Progress Tutors, Mrs Melissa Davies and Mrs Faye Brodrick
If you have any concerns or queries regarding the wellbeing or progress of your child in Year 12 or 13 please feel free to contact the pastoral teams on 01639 842115 or email