Staff - pupil relationships are another strength of the school.
Behaviour for Learning is a structure that is used across the school to promote positive attitudes to learning. It is underpinned by the following principles:
Our school ethos is one which promotes a culture of social engagement in staff - pupil interactions.
All staff use empathic modes of interaction and appropriate language when supporting behaviour.
We are firm on behaviour but gentle on the child. This means that we have clear structures, routines and expectations which are communicated effectively to pupils.
The classroom ethos provides a psychologically safe environment where pupils are encouraged to take risks with their learning.
All staff promote and value the development of the whole child so that pupils have an understanding of their self worth.
We provide experiences for pupils that promote and foster a child’s love of learning.
All staff are able to adjust expectations and practices around vulnerable children to correspond with those children’s developmental capabilities and experience of traumatic stress and loss.
Restorative approaches are used to repair pupil - pupil/staff - pupil relationships.
Staff use skillful approaches to de-escalate situations in class.
ClassCharts ClassCharts is the IT system that we use to:
Award merits.
Track and monitor completion of homework.
Track and monitor student engagement.
Both students and parents can access the ClassCharts app to check their own progress. Pupils can get their code from their Progress Leader.
Parents can contact the school if they require the code.
Pupils can receive a merit for:
Being on time.
Showing perseverance in their work.
Their work in extracurricular activities.
Being motivated.
Working with others.
Rewards assemblies are held each term which celebrate the progress a student has made through their merits, attendance and community help.
Inappropriate behaviour is also recorded on ClassCharts and can result in a negative comment. This can include:
Racist/homophobic comments to others.
Inappropriate use of phone.
No homework completed.
Deliberate disregard of Covid safety protocols can result in an exclusion.